No rain. Hot sunny day without a cloud in the sky. Little or no breeze. Track dry.
Full team out today and before my camera was prepared for action saw a Rail crossing a driveway on the Creek side of Bunya Street. Fortunately it stopped to check us out and proved to be a Buff-banded Rail. The gnarly old Eastern Water Dragon was in a more accessible spot today and posing nicely. Feel he could probably do with a new coat. Two Platypuses were present in Snodgrass’s Pool and circled each other warily without coming close. I suspect that they were both males. The water was extremely calm and amused myself by photographing Water Striders at Platypus Bend. The same old and battered Green Ringtail Possum was perched on a River Oak (casuarina) branch where it traverses the canopy of a neighbouring tree. This is a very typical location which they appear to actively select to the point where I look for this situation when seeking GRPs. It was a bit early for Turtles this morning and none were seen. Birds were again active in the Bottle Brushes and I photographed a Brown Honeyeater. Came upon another Platypus on the upstream side of Picnic Peninsula and tracked him until the start of The Narrows but he resolutely stuck to the far bank until turning back. Possibly having a bad hair day. Finally I was delighted to find the Pair of Bush Stone-curlews, with their family still intact, back near the logs behind the Car Park.
Buff-banded Rail. Gallirallus philippensis

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus.

Water Strider. Family Gerridae

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirax archeri

Brown Honeyeater. Lichmera indistincta

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius.