No rain. Patchy cloud cover. Sunny periods. Light breeze. Track damp.
Arrived with Thomas at Allumbah Pocket and commenced our usual check of Possum perches. Within 30 seconds we had spotted a Lumholtz’s Tree-Kangaroo, high in a tree but within 5 metres of the car parking area! With a bit of patience obtained some good images and left on something of a high!
Opposite the Memorial Bench there were two Eastern Water Dragons and a third was found at the next rock pile.
The flowering trees were again full of Beetles and spent a happy few minutes trying to capture them.
It was extremely noisy with Cicadas in the gum trees along the path and there were at least three different species calling. Took a number of pics but all turned out to be the same species which I believe to be the Red Roarer,
The rest of the Creek yielded nothing much as there were no Turtles, Possums or Platypuses to be found. The number of birds in the paddock behind the Car Park were also far less than yesterday and there were no Curlews to be seen.
After returning home I took Jennifer and daughter Philippa to see the Tree Roo and also introduced a group of hikers who were delighted.
Lumholtz’s Tree-kangaroo. Dendrolagus lumholtzi
Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii
Christmas Beetle. Scarabaedae subfamily Retulinae
Flower Scarab. Polystigma punctata sub species Cetoniinae
Red Roarer Cicada – Psaltoda aurora.
Lumholtz’s Tree-kangaroo. Denrolagus lumholtzi