Sunny with scattered cumulus clouds. High humidity. Variable breeze. Track Dry. Water level low. Moon – First Quarter 11 Dec.
Wildlife Report
Nothing to report along Bunya Street but in the trees to the left of Allumbah Pocket entrance “Mrs Green” the Green Ringtail Possum had reclaimed her pitch and was sitting in the tree fork with her joey.
“Patient Popeye” was keeping his beady eye on her from a creek bank tree to the right of the Picnic Shelter.
A small Saw-shelled Turtle was occupying one of The Stepping Stones and I saw a disturbance downstream which I though probably indicated a Platypus but failed to sight it.
A Macleay’s Honeyeater was sampling the nectar from a sparse selection of flowers along the bank at The Other Side
An Eastern Water dragon was on the skyline at Horseshoe Rocks but back lit and surrounded by obstructions so photos were poor.
A bank side tree opposite Middle Rocks is in full bloom and in the canopy there were dozens of North Queensland Day Moths feeding on the nectar.
A row of Turtles were occupying the sloping log at Snodgrass’s Pool but all took to the water as I approached.
The favourite perch of “Whitespot” on the bank of the Pool was again occupied by a male Green Ringtail Possum.
A few metres on towards Platypus Bend I noticed some ripples and sure enough a Platypus appeared in the muddy water along the near bank. I took a few reflex shots before she spotted me and headed off.
The Log Jam today was a cornucopia of Saw-shelled Turtles adopting attractive poses so some editing was necessary before publication.
The Golden Orb-weaver Spider was seen again at The Overhanging Bushes and the Green Ringtail Possum was still present in the River Oak near Bush No 3.
I pointed him out to a passing couple who had just seen a Platypus along Picnic Peninsula and then photographed a friendly Willy Wagtail who came to check me out.
On rounding the corner I soon spotted the typical bubble pattern of a foraging Platypus.
Unfortunately she seemed determined to keep her distance but some perseverance yielded a couple of good images.
While checking out the Yungaburra bank for Tree Roos, unfortunately absent, a Pale- yellow Robin displayed the usual human friendly behavior and provided a nice portrait.
In a neighbours garden along Bunya Street I again photographed the Bush Stone-curlews with their two offspring who had grown apace.
I have unfortunately to report that the chicks have gone missing overnight which is very sad as they were doing so well in what would have thought was a very safe location.
Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Macleay’s Honeyeater. Xanthotis macleayana

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

North Queensland Day Moth. Alcides metaurus

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Golden Orb-weaver Spider. Nephila pilipes

Willie Wagtail. Rhipidura leucophrys

Pale-yellow Robin. Tregellasia capito

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius