Wednesday 7th August 2019 1030 – 1125

Only 1.5 mm of rain in gauge. Overcast with intermittent very light drizzle. Sun not seen. Track moist in places.

No possums seen today 2 platypus in evidence at Snodgrass’s Pool and Platypus Bend. A small Freshwater (Keelback) Snake downstream of the Log Jam and a large Saw-shelled Turtle on the bank at the Viewing Pool. A pair of Bush Stone-Curlews were near Nicks again today and a flight of White Ibis were seen.

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus.

This girl appeared to be making waves by opening and shutting her bill. Inherent female characteristic perhaps?
At Platypus Bend.

Freshwater Snake – Tropidonophis mairii

Moving at fair speed.
Taking a look at me.

Saw-Shelled Turtle – Elseya latisternum

On the bank opposite Viewing Platform.

Bush Stone-Curlew – Burhinus grallarius

They frequently stand on one leg!

Australian White Ibis – Threskiornis molucca

A small flock over the creek.