Wednesday 31st July 2019. 1300 – 1350

Sunny with scattered cloud. No rain. Track dry.
Short of birds along the track today although had family of King Parrots in garden this morning. Brushtail Possum has gone walkabout but Carpet Snake still present although less easy to see. 4 Saw-Shelled Turtles at Log Jam and a large one in Platy Pool. While watching those on the logs a platypus arrived at out feet. It’s hard to get a shot any closer than this! Mum and joey Green Ringtail Possum at home in their regular tree and baby decided to give me a nice smile. A good day.

Saw-Shelled Turtle – Elseya latisternum

Turtle wearing natural camo.
Large Saw-Shelled Turtle at Platy Pool

Platypus – Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Difficult, if not impossible, to get a shot any closer than this!

Green Ringtail Possum – Pseudochirax archeri

Mother showing face with baby behind.
Portrait of joey. The ears of adults are usually tattered and torn while these are pristine.

2 thoughts on “Wednesday 31st July 2019. 1300 – 1350

  1. Gill

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge of local flora and fauna whilst walking by the creek yesterday. This has been the highlight of my trip to FNQ. I have never seen platypus in their habitat before. Also the python possum and turtles I would not have seen on my own. It was nice to walk with you snd Thomas. Thanks again.

    1. ian.gibbs123 Post author

      So good to hear that you enjoyed it. Have never seen myself as a teacher but I’ve always enjoyed passing on to others things that give me pleasure.
      Kind regards

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