1.5 mm of rain in the gauge. Patchy cloud with sunny periods. Cold southerly breeze. Track damp after early morning shower. Water level up after storm earlier in the week. Stepping stones submerged but visible and washed clear of logs and debris.
Wet foliage not suitable for the work I had in mind in the garden so opted to take Thomas for a walk along the Creek.
As we arrived at The Other Side a Pacific Baza flew across the clearing into the large tree beside us and moving a few paces gave us an excellent view which I made good use of.
While checking out the favoured roost of White Spot, the Green Ringtail Possum and Tree Kangaroos I met one of my neighbours and Post follower with her two dogs and had a brief chat before moving on to Snodgrass’s Pool.
In the trees opposite I was pleased to spot Pete the Piratical Green Ringtail Possum with his tattered right ear. He was very congenial this morning and sat still while I took several pics.
On to the Log Jam Peninsula where a Platypus was making her way along the downstream side. Managed to grab a few quick shots before she disappeared from view.
No Turtles or Water Dragons seen but a Brown Cuckoo-Dove was checking out the leaf litter on the far bank from the opposite side of the Peninsula.
At Platy’s Pool a very friendly Eastern Yellow Robin sat in an overlooking tree and gave me some great photo opportunities.
Near the Footbridge met another friend. Told her about the GRP but when I saw her again along Bunya Street she had been unable to find it!
While walking under the Highway Bridge was excited to see an Azure Kingfisher land in a bush on the far bank. Managed to get my first photo of this species but too far away for a top quality image.
Thought that the Bush Stone-curlews had done a bunk before spotting them in a comfortable spot at the far side of Nick’s Car Park.
Detoured to check on the Chocolate Brushtail Possum who was present but still refusing to face the photographer!
Continuing on our way a flock of Sulphur-crested Cockatoos flew overhead.
The Bunya Street Curlews were still in the garden across the road pretending to be invisible.