No rain. Bright and sunny with a few clouds to the West. Light southerly breeze. Track dry. Water level falling slowly. Moon Phase Full + 3 days
Wildlife Report.
This was going to be a run of the mill Patrol Report but as it was a more than exciting day I cannot keep you in suspense –
RINGNECK is back as one of the 4 Platypus seen today.
I also saw a Tree Kangaroo
My walk along Bunya Street was uneventful and there was nothing to be seen at Allumbah Pocket or the Other Side.
In fact I saw nothing of note until Snodgrass’s Pool where there were three Saw-shelled Turtles on the sloping tree trunk.
At The Log Jam however there were a total of nine Turtles including a pair and a trio which provided some good shots.
My photo session was interrupted when a small female Platypus popped to the surface to the left of the Concrete Slab and I took a few snaps although she declined to approach me.
I was joined there by two local lads and shortly after by a second Platypus which arrived from upstream and was somewhat more cooperative making multiple dives in our vicinity. A couple from Brisbane arrived to join the fun.
At the base of Picnic Peninsula I paused to photograph the Pale-yellow Robin’s nest and was waiting for the bird to appear when a passing couple told me they had just seen a Platypus.
At the tip of the Peninsula a Naturalist from Brazil, presently working in Kuranda, had been watching a large male Platypus for some time and we had an interesting chat while we took photos.
My Brushtail Possum mate was again in the bushes near the Highway Bridge and I showed him to a passing couple who wanted to know why I had my head stuck in a bush!
Arriving at the Viewing Platform I noted some ripples emanating from the left bank and a Platypus soon appeared. As soon as a good view was obtained I thought that I could see a ring around the animals neck and I was able to confirm this with a series of photos. “Ringneck” the Platypus who caused so much concern early in the year has returned to the very spot where I last saw her before the attempts were made to capture her and remove the ring.
I went on with a view to checking the Brushtail Possum in the overhanging fig tree but as I crossed the block I spotted a Lumholtz’s Tree Kangaroo in one of the Creek Bank trees. I got as close as possible and managed to obtain at least one decent shot.
I finally checked the Possum which was indeed in the same spot and was actually facing me although largely obscured by the foliage.
On arrival at home a flock of Metallic Starlings and a Australasian Figbird in the Gum Tree at our rear fence. I also photographed a Scarlet Honeyeater feeding in our Bottle Brush.
What and exciting day!
Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum
Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus
“Ringneck’s” Portfolio