Wednesday 1st January 2020. 0850 – 0945

Bright sun shining from cloudless sky and not too hot yet. Very light breeze. Track damp

Curious walk today in that we saw no Platypus, Possums, Turtles or Lizards. In short today’s post consists of bugs and birds!
We did meet a follower of my Post, another Pom who lives in Townsville, and looked for a Possum together without success.
The Christmas Beetles were enjoying the nectar in the flowering bushes at Snodgrass’s Pool along with an assortment of birds.
The Scarlet Honeyeater and Pale-yellow Robin were at Picnic Peninsula and the Dusky Honeyeater along the Narrow where the hovering Damselfly was also observed.
The Bush Stone-curlews were in the paddock behind the Car Park and at Nick’s Camping Area.
The other Damselfly was in our garden.

Christmas Beetle. Scarabaeidae — Retulinae ?

2 beetles on top of each other!
Better view of same beetle + 2 other beetles apparently mating
Feeding on nectar

Scarlet Honeyeater. Myzomela sanguinolenta

Joining the nectar feeders

Dusky Honeyeater. Myzomela obscura

At the Narrows

Pale-yellow Robin. Tregellasia capito

Looks a bit scruffy. Possibly a juvenile.

Damselfly. Order and species not known.

Several of these hovering over the water at The Narrows.

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

One of a group of seven in paddock behind Car Park
At Nick’s Camping Area

Dragonfly. Order and species not known.

On Plumbago flower spike in my garden