50 mm in the gauge. Sunny early but with increasing cloud later. Very humid. Cool breeze from SE. Track slightly damp. Stepping Stones under water again. New Moon on 4th Dec.
Wildlife Report
Nothing was seen today at Allumbah Pocket but as I crossed the Suspension Bridge I could hear Turtles falling onto the water. I still managed to photograph 5 Saw-shelled Turtles ranging from large to minute on the Stepping Stones.
I found a good looking Easter Water Dragon on the Middle Stones and near the path to the Upper Level Ex”Scarface” scuttled away as I approached.
Another Turtle on the sloping log in Snodgrass’s Pool also avoided me!
On to the Log Jam where only one Turtle was admiring his reflection.
At Platys Pool I spotted a shadow in large River Cherry tree at the corner and managed to photograph a well concealed Green Ringtail Possum high in the foliage. I wondered if there were in fact two of them but was unable to convince myself of this.
At the fallen tree near the base of Picnic Peninsula more turtles were enjoying the sun as was another tiny Turtle on the sloping log on the far bank opposite the tip of the peninsula.
A noisy Laughing Kookaburra arrived on the far bank celebrating his catch of a very tiny Water Dragon which he was about to enjoy for lunch
While crossing the Highway Bridge I saw a juvenile Eastern Water Dragon dodge out of sight but found another spot from which I was able to get a clear shot of him.
In the Platypus Viewing Pool “Tensing” Turtle was perched at the top of a sloping branch which he still climbs to when the water level is much lower.
From the Car Park I saw a pair of Bush Stone-curlews near one of the Bamboo Clumps but they were quite anxious and quickly made their was across to Nick’s Camping Area.
In the trees on the village side of the Creek Bank another Green Ringtail Possum was watching me from a lofty branch.
Along Bunya Street I photographed one of a pair of Masked Lapwings and almost immediately saw another pair of Curlews making themselves at home in my next door neighbours garden.
Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Laughing Kookaburra. Dacelo novaeguineae

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

Masked Lapwing. Vanellus miles miles