Wednesday 19th August 2020. 1355 – 1505


Cold morning with light mist clearing to sunny day without a cloud in the sky. No breeze. Track dry.


Did some heavy gardening this morning, mainly tidying up after several months of neglect when the front garden was uninhabitable because of the aggressive bees. Then finishing off the new horizontal hive ready for the bees at present in their nucleus box to settle in and be ready for transfer.
After lunch decided that it was too nice to stay indoors set off with Thomas for a stroll along the Creek.
Nothing to be seen at Allumbah Pocket or The Other Side, but a moderate sized Eastern Water Dragon was on the rocks opposite Snodgrass’s Pool waiting to be photographed.
Nothing then until The Log Jam where a mob of Saw-shelled Turtles were enjoying the sun. I think that there were 7 in all and managed to get shots of most of them.
The favourite possum spots were all vacant today.
At The Narrows a group of visitors were watching a Platypus moving slowly up stream so I went on ahead and waited for it to arrive at the low level area below the Highway Bridge. Got quite a good view but not much in the way of photos as I still haven’t sorted out all the settings for the new camera.
The regular pair of Bush Stone-curlews were enjoying a singularly ugly spot at Nick’s Camping Area.
Not a particularly exciting walk but I don’t think I have ever come home without a few half decent photos.

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Photographs from both sides

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

One of the selection enjoying the sun at the Log Jam
Two’s company
I wish to be alone
The largest specimen didn’t stay for long.

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Hiding under the foliage just below the Highway Bridge

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

Very comfortable spot at Nick’s Camping Area