Rain nil. Overcast with some sunny periods. Light breeze. Track dry. Many formerly muddy areas have been filled by Yungaburra Volunteers. Water level steady.
Time for another exciting escape from the house for a brief period and before we even left saw a large moth roosting on the wall of the car port.
Nice to see so many flowering trees and shrubs and took several photos along Bunya Street.
Spotted nothing at Allumbah Pocket but as Thomas and I came down from The Other Side we noticed a lone White-headed Pigeon which I snapped.
In the tall trees at the southern end of Horseshoe Rocks there was again an amorphous shape high in the canopy and closer inspection revealed the tails of two tree kangaroos. It proved impossible to find a view of either of their faces until in response to a series of tongue clicks, whistles and “Hellos” the joey was eventually persuaded to raise his head and the opportunity was not wasted!
Moving on we spotted a moderate sized male Eastern Water Dragon showing off his bright new skin on one of the rock piles opposite Snodgrass’s Pool.
At the base of Log Jam Peninsula an Eastern Yellow Robing was singing his heart out and at the Jam itself were two Saw-shelled Turtles. The lesser of the two was one of the smallest I have ever seen.
A few more White-headed Pigeons were frightened from the treetops and more again were seen at Picnic Peninsula.
No Platypus were seen today and no sign of Green Ringtail Possums in any of their favoured spots.
Several Insectivorous Bats were roosting under the Highway Bridge but none suitable to be photographed.
A small juvenile Easter Water Dragon was seen and captured on the rocks under the Bridge.
In spite of being very noisy during the night, none of the Bush Stone-curlews were seen. Perhaps they were worried that I might throw a shoe at them if they put in an appearance .