5 mm of rain in the gauge. General overcast with occasional very light showers. Breeze intermittent Easterly. Track slightly damp. Water level low, steady. Moon phase – Full on 17th April.
Wildlife Report
Saw very little along Bunya Street or on either side of the entrance to Allumbah Pocket but in the tree next to the Suspension Bridge two Green Ringtail Possums were present. Neither were going out of their way to express their identity but the one in front of the Picnic Shelter was possibly “Popeye”. The other perched next to the Bridge was I am sure “Nosey” but sitting with her face turned in an inconvenient direction.
A couple with a small child were in the process of crossing the bridge so I waited briefly so that they could see the Possums.
While crossing the Bridge myself I photographed the Flying-fox camp downstream which was well occupied today.
At The Other Side a Brushturkey was enjoying a dust bath which I thought was much preferable than doing it in my garden.
Two Eastern Water Dragons were by the side of the path to the Upper Level but the larger animal made himself scarce leaving the other to have his photo taken.
Returning to the main track I immediately spotted a Platypus upstream of Snodgrass’s Pool and being observed by a couple of locals. The all moved in my direction but the Platypus remained stubbornly close to the far bank and out of good photo range.
There was nothing at all to see at The Log Jam but at Platys Pool a large Turtle was looking out from the far bank which at this point was somewhat closer to me.
At the Narrows I soon spotted the resident female Lumholtz’s Tree Kangaroo on her regular branch on the East Side. I have decided to name her “Eyeful”. I was unable to spot her joey but got several good shots of her.
Under the Highway Bridge a number of Large-footed Fishing Bats were present but I had left my spotlight at home and was unable to photograph them.
On the way up to the road level I spoke to a tour leader and told him where to look for the Tree Roo but I don’t know if he was successful.
The pair of Bush Stone-curlews were again at the Camping Area but in a much more natural location.
As I headed to the highway I was spotted by old friends Bill and Juanita and invited them to accompany me to the Left Bank where we got some excellent views of the Tree Kangaroo, now with her joey beside her.
They were also seen by a small group of British and Belgian tourists who had seen me from the track pointing out the Roos with my laser.
“Bohemia” the reclusive Left Bank Brushtail Possum was still in residence and providing the usual view.
“Tatty” the Coppery Brushtail was also at home but in an antisocial mood.
My final spot of the day was a Laughing Kookaburra who watched me from a fence as I walked home.
Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Spectacled Flying-fox. Pteropus conspicillatus

Australian Brushturkey. Alectura lathami

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Lumholtz’s Tree Kangaroo. Dendrolagus lumholtzi

Common Brushtail Possum. Trichosurus vulpecula

Laughing Kookaburra. Dacelo novaeguineae