Wednesday 10th June 2020. 1400 – 1500


4.5 mm of rain in gauge. Overcast. Few small areas of blue sky with a brief period of watery sun. Light fitful breeze. Track damp. Water level falling slowly.


At last a period of dry weather with no signs of imminent showers on the Weather App so Thomas and I decided that a visit to the Creek was in order.
Nothing to be seen at Allumbah Pocket or The Other Side apart from a few well behaved visitors.
At The Log Jam a small Saw-shelled Turtle took to the water as we approached leaving a tiny relative as the only representative of his species.
In the trees along the upstream side of the Peninsula a Pacific Emerald Dove came along to inspect us and got his photo taken.
A much larger Turtle was on the sloping far bank of Platy’s Pool and a moderate sized one on top of the post in the Platypus Viewing Pool.
No sign of Platypus today and no luck with Green Ringtail Possums either.
The regular pair of Bush Stone-curlews were resting at Nick’s Camping area.
In the Fig Tree overhanging the vacant block next to The Doctor House the Chocolate Brushtail Possum was once again displaying her nether region.

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Don’t think I have ever seen a smaller one.
Much larger specimen at Platy’s Pool
A wave from Turtle Tensing at the Viewing Pool!

Pacific Emerald Dove. Chalcophaps longirostris male

Male indicated by red bill

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

Both with their feet out having a rest!

Common Brushtail Possum. Trichosurus vulpecula

Stirred slightly when I clicked my tongue and I thought we were in luck, but not to be!