Friday. 3 mm rain. Cloudy with sunny periods. Occasional light showers. Track mostly dry. No significant mud. Water level remains high
Wildlife Report
We will start at home with a Union Jack Butterfly which had decided to call our car port home overnight on Tuesday. I have never comprehended the name but it is a quite spectacular small butterfly.
Thomas has decided that it has cooled down enough to accompany me again but at Allumbah Pocket we saw nothing on either day.
On the rocks under the Suspension Bridge a very small Eastern Water Dragon was enjoying the sun. Several larger dragons were seen on both days on the Rock Piles between the Memorial Bench and Snodgrass’s Pool while a larger than usual juvenile was under the Highway Bridge.
At The Other Side a juvenile Brush Turkey was investigating the Rocks behind the Picnic Shelter.
Saw-shelled Turtles have become regular on the fallen tree at Snodgrass’s Pool
and on Saturday a well behaved Green Ringtail Possum was sitting up in the trees opposite the Pool. This was the only marsupial seen during both patrols.
A variety of birds were seen at various locations along the walk. White-headed Pigeons are still numerous, usually in the larger trees.
The swarm of Asian Honey Bees was in the Overhanging Bushes again on the 10th but has now moved on.
The Bush Stone-curlews are still around and about the Golden Cane Palms on the vacant block. On Friday a Landcruiser was parked within a few metres of them and I was present when the driver returned. The chick looked slightly perturbed but both parents took no notice at all as the door was opened and closed, the engine started and the vehicle driven away!
Union Jack Butterfly (Red-banded Jezebel) . Delias mysis

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Australian Brush Turkey. Alectura lathami

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Varied Triller. Lalage leucomela

White-headed Pigeon. Columba leucomela

Asian Honey Bee. Apis cerana

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius