No rain. Light overcast with periods of watery sunlight. Light breeze. Tack damp.
Nothing to see at Allumbah Pocket this morning.
White Spot, the Green Ringtail Possum was again in the tree opposite the Memorial Bench although her face was turned away from the path and she did not wish to communicate. Shared her company and a chat with two local ladies and also directed two other groups to her location.
An Eastern Water Dragon was on the rocks opposite Snodgrass’s Pool but could only be seen from the upper level along the fence line. If you want to see a Water Dragon it is worth checking there if nothing is visible from the Walk.
The flowering trees were busy again today with numerous Christmas and other Beetles. Fewer birds today but the group of Barred Cuckooshrikes came along to check us out.
No Turtles at the Log Jam but under the large Camphor Laurel tree I found a patch of Green Ringtail Possum scats suggesting that one had spent the night there. Was not able to find the animal involved.
Near the Overhanging Bushes had a chat with a couple of local photographers with interests similar to mine and exchanged information.
No Platypuses were seen or reported.
In the paddock behind the Car Park were a group of nine Bush Stone-curlews as well as others at Nick’s Camping Area and along Bunya Street. Must have been sleeping soundly as I don’t recall hearing them!
Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri
Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii
Christmas Beetle. Scarabaedae subfamily Retulinae
Flower Scarab. sf Cetoniinae, Polystigma punctata
Barred Cuckooshrike. Coracina Lineata
Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius