No rain. Sunny. Clear sky with few scattered clouds. No breeze. Track dry with some residual damp patches and mud which needs navigating around. Water level falling slowly.
Cody much better this morning but up with him several times during night so a late start. Thomas elected to come on Patrol as the only way of getting any attention!
Bush Stone-curlews at the same spot along Bunya Street but only two of them today.
No Possums visible at the usual spots and saw nothing until the Grey Gum trees near Platypus Bend where, alerted by the Cicada calls, we spotted a group of three low down on a tree trunk. One was a Red Roarer, the other two Floury Bakers.
Nothing more seen until the Log Jam where we met up with some Pommie friends from a previous Patrol. They had seen a Platypus close to the Suspension Bridge.
We progressed in company until just below the Highway Bridge where another Platypus appeared and entertained us for several minutes.
Under the bridge a solitary Bat was roosting. Ears looked a little smaller than in the bats seen previously but do not know enough to identify them.
Very little bird life in the Paddock this morning and only one Bush Stone-curlew was at the Car Park.
Bush Stone-curlews. Burhinus grallarius

Red Roarer Cicada. Psaltoda aurora + Phantom Knight . Psaltoda brachypennis

Red Roarer. Psaltoda aurora

Phantom Knight. Psaltoda brachypennis

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Bat. Species unknown.