No rain. Sunny with blue sky. Some high cloud on the Western horizon and hazy cloud extending from the NW. Track only slightly damp. Water level steady. New Moon + 1 day
Wildlife Report
While checking the informal entrance to Allumbah pocket I discovered an as yet unidentified Green Ringtail Possum very well concealed in a leafy tree. I obtained a couple of snaps which will not help much with recognition.
On crossing to the main entrance I found another Green Ringtail, not quite so well hidden and whom I identified as “Mrs Green”.
Near the Memorial Bench I met my neighbour Cath who was looking without success for the Tawny Frogmouth which she released recently and checking some of the recently planted trees. When I saw her again later she reported a Platypus sighting.
At Snodgrass’s Pool I Photographed Whitespot, yet another GRP, with her Joey who were in much the same positions as on my last visit but today they were less cooperative.
At Log Jam Peninsula I spotted a Saw-shelled Turtle resting in a patch of sunshine on the bank. At the Jam itself another Turtle was reclining on a partly submerged log while a passing Damselfly was wondering if it’s head would provide a suitable landing platform.
More Saw-shelled Turtles were on the sloping log opposite the Overhanging Bushes where 5 of them had managed to find room.
In the Lomandra clump near Highway Bridge the two juvenile Golden Orb-weaver Spiders were photographed .
The number of Large-footed Fishing Bats roosting under the Bridge continues to decrease as do the photo opportunities.
From the Platypus Viewing Platform I photographed Turtle “Tensing” on his log as he was watched by a larger Turtle in the water.
As I left the Car Park a large bird flew into the Bamboo clump and turned out to be a Pacific Baza which I photographed for an unusual angle. It’s mate meanwhile flew into one of the trees across the Highway.
The Bush Stone-curlews were enjoying their own patch of sun at Nick’s Camping Area.
The Brushtail Possum and her joey in the hollow tree seem to specialise in unusual positions and today were showing a back on one side of the tree while the tails emerged from the other.
The neighbouring Brushtail “Tatty” was again front on while enjoying a peaceful snooze.
Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Golden Orb-weaver Spider. Nephila pilipes

Large-footed Fishing Bat. Myotis macropus

Pacific Baza. Aviceda subcristata

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

Common Brushtail Possum. Trichosurus vulpecula