No rain. Mostly cloudy with some short sunny periods. Blustery SE wind. Track dry. Water level fallen by 50 mm.
Wildlife Report.
Today might be described as a combination of famine and feast in that the number of species seen were few but those that were present were in large numbers.
There were no Possums in the usual spots at Allumbah Pocket but in one of the water side trees just downstream of the Picnic Shelter a Green Ringtail Possum was occupying a place where I have previously seen a Lumholtz’s Tree Kangaroo. The view was poor and at some distance but I was able to record the sighting.
Thomas and I crossed the Suspension Bridge but found nothing at The Other Side or at Horseshoe Rocks but a fairly large Saw-shelled Turtle was on one of the rocks in front of the Memorial Bench.
Another three turtles were in a row on the fallen tree at Snodgrass’s Pool, two more atop the concrete slab at The Log Jam and a final specimen on the far bank at Platys Pool.
Saw nothing much else apart from a Black-faced Monarch which declined to be photographed until No 3 of the Overhanging Bushes where a small male Green Ringtail Possum was sitting on a branch providing a very good view of his back. His face was viewed with considerable difficulty.
Just beyond the Footbridge is a tree overhanging the fence which I have been checking daily for years. Today for the first time a Green Ringtail Possum was in residence. I noted that the white fur at the margin of it’s right ear was of uneven distribution and thought for a moment that it could be “White Spot” but it seemed to be a male which ruled that out!
Yet another GRP was in a bush near the centre of the Highway Bridge Walkway at a spot where I have previously seen a Brushtail Possum. It is curious to me that both Brushtail and Green Ringtail Possums and Lumholtz’s Tree Kangaroos seem to share a liking for certain spots and certain trees.
In the Paddock next to the Car Park a pair of Crested Pigeons were busy foraging although not very keen on being photographed.
No sign of Bush Stone-curlews today but a final Green Ringtail was displaying it’s rear in the fig tree which overhangs the vacant lot.
A White-headed Pigeon was in one of the trees next to the lane leading from Quincan Cottage Cafe to Bunya Street.
Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Crested Pigeon. Ocyphaps lophotes

White-headed Pigeon. Columba leucomela