No rain in the gauge. Cloudy with sunny periods. Light southerly breeze. Track dry. Water level down 30 mm.
Wildlife Report
Disappointed to obtain no images of Platypus last night.
While sorting out the cameras I was called to the garden where some interesting beetles with bright green markings on a black carapace were enjoying the stamens of a magnolia flower which of course had to be photographed and identified.
I then set out with the intention of re-siting 2 cameras and continuing with a Patrol but in the opposite direction from the usual. Thomas not very keen which was fortunate as his plans would probably have differed from mine!
Called first at the Figtree which overhangs the vacant lott near the Medical Centre and took the usual partial view of a Common Brushtail Possum.
Continued from there to the Yungaburra bank of the Creek just downstream of the Highway bridge and placed a camera over a know Platypus Barrow thought to be active.
While doing this I noted what looked like a good burrow on the opposite bank. Investigated this after crossing the highway and photographing a White-headed Pigeon which seemed determined to have it’s photo taken.
The hole turned out to be a shadow so continued on to Stringers Stretch and located what appeared to be 2 previously unobserved burrows and placed a camera to cover one of them.
Nothing was then observed until the path to the Upper Level opposite Snodgrass’s Pool where the large Eastern Water Dragon with the ulcerated face was partially concealed. I was interested to note a fly sitting on his head which I hope was not a bad sign.
Another less spectacular Dragon was seen at the southern end of Horseshoe Rocks. From the Suspension Bridge I saw that the Stepping Stones were beginning to appear from their recent inundation and that the water is markedly clearer than in recent weeks.
A small Saw-shelled Turtle was enjoying a sunny period on one of the rocks.
Returning home along Bunya Street the flowers of a Bottle Brush were attracting a number of Christmas Beetles.
Fiddler Beetle. Eupoecila Australasiae

Common Brushtail Possum. Trichosurus vulpecula

White-headed Pigeon. Columba leucomela

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Christmas Beetle.