No rain. Overcast with occasional sunny periods. Light breeze. Track Dry.
Not a very busy morning. No Dogs, no Platypus, No Water Dragons, and No Green Ringtail Possums but at least I did find a few things to photograph and met a very friendly couple from Switzerland. The Magpie Lark was inspecting her nest along Bunya Street and the Golden Orb-Weaver was waving her front legs about and performing a few modifications to her web. A Pale -yellow Robin was fluttering around within a few metres and at risk of ending up in the mesh. The Allumbah Pocket Possum was in his usual mistletoe clump. The only animals present in bulk today were the Saw-shelled Turtles with one on the rocks near the Memorial Bench, seven at the Log Jam and another at Platy’s Pool. Did see a pair of Orange-footed Scrubfowl on the bank opposite Platypus bend but fossicking in dense scrub and not suitable for photography. The first I have seen for several months. Sure I will see another Platypus soon!
Magpie Lark. Grallina cyanoleuca

Golden Orb-weaver. Nephilla ssp

Pale-yellow Robin. Tregellasia capito

Common Brushtail Possum. Trichosuras vulpecula

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum.