No rain for several days. Cloudless sky with slightly hazy sun. No significant breeze.. Track dry.
Thomas still on cage duties and spent my absence wailing from separation anxiety!
Nothing to see at Allumbah Pocket. A Fairy Gerygone was flitting through the tree above the Picnic Table at The Other Side but would not remain still long enough for a photo. Have seen them in them in this tree several times but do not know why.
Green Ringtail Possums were notable only for their absence.
Spotted a Platypus at Platypus Bend at fairly long range and fired off a couple of shots after which it vanished. Had given up and was walking off when it appeared again and did several passes although at longer range than I would have liked. Met a small boy from Tarzali and we exchanged information about platypuses.
Three Saw-shelled Turtles of moderate size were occupying the Logs at the Jam and another was on the far Bank at Platy’s Pool.
Nothing else was seen along the Creek but the pair of Bush Stone-curlews were occupying a very indifferent site at the edge of Nick’s Car Park. Amazing how often I see Curlews in sites where I have great difficulty in understanding what they like about it. They seem to favour proximity to some form of unattractive human artifact.
For the first time in a couple of months the Chocolate Brushtail Possum was absent from the figtree over hanging the vacant block. Not even a bum view! I was quite disappointed.