Tuesday 27th August 2019. 1315-1420

No rain. Bright sunshine. Light breeze. Track dry.

Met a Pale-yellow Robin at Allumbah Pocket who vanished and then reappeared to show me what he had just caught! Looked like a good lunch! Saw-shelled Turtle was on the same rock as yesterday but more light gave a very attractive image. Numerous Turtles sunbathing at the Log Jam but very timid and performed a simultaneous dive. Male and female platypuses seen together in Platypus Pool but too busy to bother with photographs. Another platypus just downstream of the Highway Bridge and was giving a Command Performance to a visiting couple with numerous dives all within 3 metres of them! My bees having a ball at present and have found a handy Bottlebrush.

Regular viewers will be pleased to hear that yesterday’s Saw-shelled Turtle has visited vet in Cairns this morning. A full clinical examination and X Ray showed no major problem so she has been fed and watered, wormed and is now on her way back to Petersons Creek.

Pale-yellow Robin. Tregellasia capito

Pale-yellow Robin with lunch on support cable of Lloyd’s Bridge.

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Who is the most beautiful one of all?
The Sherpa Tensing of the Turtle World.

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Command Performance.

Honey Bee. Apis mellifera

Yummy yummy. Here comes more honey.