36 mm of rain in the gauge. Sunny early with increasing cloud from late morning and promise of rain in the afternoon. Steady rain, heavy at times, from1355 on. Track damp to wet with numerous small puddles. Water level up 50 mm from my last visit. Stepping Stones completely covered and water threatening to overflow bank in some areas. Heavy sediment in water. Current strong. Moon Phase – Last Quarter + 3 days
Wildlife Report
After 7 days suffering the combined effects of a heavy cold and persistent wet weather I was feeling rather cooped up and decided to risk a walk along the Creek.
I saw very little at Allumbah Pocket until I discovered a well concealed Green Ringtail Possum in the tree close to the Old Boiler House. No identification was possible.
I also spotted a Spectacled Monarch posing well in a tree nearby.
While crossing the Suspension Bridge I observed that there were very few Fruit Bats in the Camp downstream today.
I also spotted a Saw-shelled Turtle on one of the smaller rocks below the bridge.
At the Upper Level a medium sized Eastern Water Dragon was very cooperative.
At The Log Jam I photographed a pair of Turtles on top of the concrete slab while two more turtles were revealing only their heads near a submerged log.
As I left the Jam it was starting to rain and by the time I reached the base of the Peninsula I felt it wise to open my umbrella.
Two more turtles were on a horizontal branch near the far bank of Platys Pool but the image recorded was spoiled by intervening foliage.
More Turtles were seen on the sloping Log near the base of Picnic Peninsula.
Under the Highway Bridge and out of the rain I was able to get a few nice shots of the Large-footed Myotis.
A moderate sized Water Dragon was sighted under the Bridge but the photo was not worthy of publication.
From the Car Park the Bush Stone-curlews could be seen standing stoically in the rain but they moved towards concealment as I approached. I did get a photo of one which shows the conditions rather well.
The most interesting series of photos obtained today were of “Tatty” the Coppery Brushtail Possum in her usual perch in the Fig Tree. She was far more dynamic than I have previously seen her and appeared to be washing her face in the teaming rain while licking up the water as it ran off!
Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Spectacled Monarch. Symposiachrus trivirgatus

Spectacled Flying Fox. Pteropus conspicillatus

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Large-footed Fishing Bat. Myotis macropus

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

Coppery Brushtail Possum. Trichosurus vulpecula