20 mm of rain since yesterday. Overcast with few glimpses of blue sky. No breeze. Track wet with muddy puddles.
No excitement at Allumbah Pocket this morning. No sign of Possums or Platypusses.
In fact nothing seen until Log Jam Peninsula where a Pacific Black duck was strolling along the path.
At the same time a couple of Rainbow Bee Eaters were enjoying their breakfast in the tree above.
At the Log Jam an Eastern Water Dragon was looking over the top of a large and looked as if he might be about to deliver a speech!
Saw a small flock of Black Faced Cuckooshrikes around Platy’s Pool and one stayed still long enough to be photographed.
A Saw-shelled Turtle was on a log along The Narrows which the Turtles seem recently to have found.
A few White Headed Pigeons were in the trees alongside the Highway Bridge and one was amenable to a close up.
The Bush Stone-curlews were looking very sorry for themselves and one pair had sought shelter at Nick’s Camping Area.
Pacific Black Duck. Anas superciliosus

Rainbow Bee-eater. Merops ornatus

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Black Faced Cuckooshrike. Coracina novaehollandiae

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

White-headed Pigeon. Columba leucomela

Bush Stone-curlew.