1.5 mm of rain. Overcast with intermittent light showers accompanied by gusty SE breeze. Clearing to scattered cloud with sunny periods. Track drying but still significant areas of wet mud.
Thomas and I not pleased as drizzle commenced before we reached Allumbah Pocket.
Nothing seen there or at The Other Side.
On the rocks near the Memorial Bench an Eastern Water Dragon made a very brief appearance and may have managed a photo.
No sign of White Spot or the other Green Ringtail Possums.
By then raining hard enough to cover camera with a plastic bag but by the base of the Log Jam Peninsula I was able to uncover it an take photos of a Rainbow Bee-eater, one of a small group in the gum trees.
Meanwhile, a butterfly landed nearby so photographed that as well
At the Log Jam a Saw-shelled Turtle was resting on a submerged log with his head above water and a Damsel Fly was perched on another of the logs.
A Platypus was sighted at the same spot as yesterday just below the Highway Bridge, but again it was a flying visit.
The Paddock was again bereft of wildlife but the Bush Stone-curlews were at Nick’s Camping Area. I guess that there will not be much to disturb them there for some weeks!
Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii
Rainbow Bee-eater. Merops ornatus
Blue Tiger Butterfly. Tirumala hamata
Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum
Blue Damselfly. Ischnura heterosticta
Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus
Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius