Tuesday 24th December 2019. 0800 – 0905

No rain. Overcast with intermittent sunny periods. Southerly breeze. Track damp.

Unfortunately a Post without any pictures today. Some silly B forgot to put Memory Card in his camera and did not discover this until getting back home! Shame as the images were destined to be good!
First sighting today was a Platypus at Platypus Bend which started foraging along the far bank before crossing to the near bank and putting on an exhibition. No Eastern Water Dragons around until reaching the Log Jam where there were not turtles but a Water Dragon was lying on a submerged log with just his head above water.
On the upstream side of Picnic Peninsula another Platypus spent some time on the far bank but coming out to the middle of the creek to rest between dives.
Just before reaching the Highway Bridge a half grown Orange-footed Scrubfowl flew across the creek and landed just in front of us. Another excellent photo opportunity missed. At the Car Park several Bush Stone-curlews could be seen with another in a neighbours garden.
The usual activity in the Figbird commune.
Sorry about the Pics. See if I can do better tomorrow