Tuesday 22nd March 2022. 0900 – 1025


No rain. Scattered cloud with sunny periods. Variable breeze settling to E/SE by 10 am. Water level fallen by about 20mm. Track remains quite wet in parts with small puddles and some black mud. Full Moon + 4 days.

Wildlife Report

As I approached Allumbah Pocket, “Mrs Green” the Green Ringtail Possum could be seen showing her back view in her regular tree fork. From the other side she looked rather grumpy today, perhaps because her boy friend was nowhere to be seen.
As I rounded the bend towards the Picnic Shelter a Pale-yellow Robin flew into the tree in front of me and struck several classic poses.
” Nosey” the other female GRP was in her regular spot in the tree next to the Suspension Bridge but her position was even less helpful than on my last visit.
As I approached the far bank, I spotted a well coloured Eastern Water Dragon on the rocks just upstream of the Suspension Bridge and he was also elegantly posed.
At Snodgrass’s Pool a medium sized Saw-shelled Turtle was on a floating log and today there was nothing to disturb him. In fact I saw no other human for the duration of the patrol.
At the Log Jam a larger Turtle was lying on top of the concrete slab against the far bank.
The White-headed Pigeons were not quite so numerous today but I snapped one at Picnic Peninsula.
Only a few of the Large-footed Fishing Bats were sleeping under the Highway Bridge today.
On the rocks under the Bridge a solitary juvenile Water Dragon was seen.
At the Pizzeria Beer Garden the Bush Stone-curlews were both showing their heads above the surrounding logs although this time neither of them was under the table!
Crossing to the Left Bank I noticed that the Sea Breeze had set if from a general South Easterly direction and was refreshingly cool.
I again photographed the Golden Orb-weaver Spider and the chocolate Brushtail Possum in the tree on the Bank.
The pair of Masked Lapwings were lined up ready to threaten me as I entered Bunya Street where I found one of the adult Curlews and both chicks had joined the Gnomes in the Shrubbery next to the turning area.
The remaining adult seemed to be keeping watch over the electricity junction box which I believe was where Ergon linesmen discovered the line fault which caused a blackout lasting for some 9 hours in Bunya Street last week. Perhaps the Curlew knows something which we don’t?

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

“Mrs Green” looking decidedly grumpy today.
“Nosey” perhaps not grumpy but not very cooperative.

Pale-yellow Robin. Tregellasia capito

At Allumbah Pocket

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Below the Suspension Bridge
Juvenile under the Highway Bridge

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

At Snodgrass’s Pool
At The Log Jam

White-headed Pigeon. Columba leucomela

Large-footed Fishing Bats. Myotis macropus

Three, or perhaps four, in a row?
Definitely only two here

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

At the Beer Garden
Same posture, different location
With the Gnomes along Bunya Street
Keeping an eye on the junction box

Golden Orb-weaver Spider. Nephila pilipes

On the Left Bank

Chocolate Brushtail Possum. Trichosurus vulpecula

Tree fork at Left Bank

Masked Lapwing. Vanellus miles miles

Bunya Street turning area