No rain. Light overcast with sunny periods. No breeze. Track damp. Water level falling slowly. Moon – Last Quarter – 2 days
Wildlife Report
On arrival at Allumbah Pocket I immediately spotted “Mrs Green” the Green Ringtail Possum on one of her regular perches. I had to maneuver slightly to obtain a reasonable view but she was kind enough to show her face on both sides of the tree trunk.
“Nosey” another female GRP was in the same spot as on my last visit and in rotten light but I managed to get a successful image.
Several small birds were feeding in the vicinity including a Rufous Shrikethrush which didn’t feel photogenic today and a Pale-yellow Robin who was happy to pose.
At The Other Side there were a small flock of White-headed Pigeons roosting in the tree behind the Picnic Shelter and more photos were obtained.
On the Middle Rocks a small Eastern Water Dragon was showing off on one of the prominent rocks.
“Whitespot” my favourite female Green Ringtail was in the trees next to the Snodgrass’s Pool sign.
In the Gum Trees near Full Tide Island a Forest Kingfisher was enjoying his breakfast and although the range was rather long I got some satisfactory shots.
At the upstream side of Log Jam Peninsula a Varied Triller came to entertain me.
There was nothing to offer at The Overhanging Bushes except a repeat visit to the Golden Orb-weaver Spider.
At Picnic Peninsula two immature Water Dragons were showing off their climbing skills up a large tree and another juvenile Dragon was seen on the rocks below Highway Bridge.
In the Overhanging Fig Tree, “Tatty” the Coppery Brushtail Possum was displaying her usual view. I have been asked on numerous occasions why she consistently hides her face and have reached the conclusion that If I had a nasty gaping scar on my very prominent ear I would not want it to be displayed regularly on the internet!
My final sighting today was one of the Bush Stone-curlew adults along Bunya Street.
Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Pale-yellow Robin. Tregellasia capito

White-headed Pigeon. Columba leucomela

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Forest Kingfisher. Todiramphus macleayii

Varied Triller. Lalage leucomela

Golden Orb-weaver Spider. Nephila pilipes

Coppery Brushtail Possum. Trichosurus vulpecula

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius