No rain. Bright sunny day with light breeze. Track dry.
In spite of his success yesterday, Cody could just not be bothered and Thomas and I predictably had a relatively poor day. We started by finding that the Magpie Lark’s nest in Bunya St had fallen from the tree and was upside down on the nature strip with one deceased chick. We brightened somewhat when we found a much younger Eastern Water Dragon and you can see from the image that he had stacks of attitude! This was followed by a Platypus who surfaced very close to me between Snodgrass’s Pool and Platypus Bend. He crossed to the far bank downstream of me and was joined almost immediately by another Platypus swimming in the opposite direction. They both dived and I saw no further sign or either. There were 3 Saw-shelled Turtles at the Log Jam but not well displayed but the regular at Platy’s Pool was showing off. And that was it for today.
Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum