No rain. 70% Overcast. Brief sunny periods. Cold southerly breeze. Track drying. Still some moist patches.
Song birds were out and about along Bunya Street but too far away or too active to be photographed.
The Golden Orb-weaver spider was still just the other side of the Safety Barrier at Allumbah Pocket.
Saw the sum total of nothing along the walk until reaching the Highway Bridge where the Orb-weaver Spider had rebuilt it’s nest next to the walkway and was hiding at the periphery of the web
A group of Bush Stone-curlews were in the paddock adjoining the Platypus Viewing area on the far bank of the Creek. The regular pair of Curlews were as usual on the East side of the Car Park.
Golden Orb-weaver. Ssp Nephila
Orb-weaver Spider. Ssp unknown
Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius