Tuesday 12th November. 1310 – 1410

No Rain. Sky clear but with moderate haze. Southerly breeze gusting to 20 knots. Track dry.

Allumbah Pocket Brushtail Possum bright and alert today with both eyes open and taking an interest in surroundings. Four Turtles in vicinity of Memorial Bench and the regular Eastern Water Dragon on the landward side of the path. A Varied Triller and a Black-faced Monarch flitting about feeding at Platypus bend but not keeping still for long enough to be photographed. Half a dozen more Turtles at the Log Jam and another dog owner admired Thomas. Saw a new butterfly later identified as a Scarlet Jezebel. A larger Saw-shelled Turtle was on the upstream side of Picnic Peninsula. A Platypus was close against the bank on the near side of the creek but then crossed to the far bank and conducted a comprehensive scratch, including her back, on the mud bank. She then returned to the near bank and continued, A couple from Devon were enjoying the spectacle and I managed to exhaust my battery. The Bush Stone-curlew Family were still on the block next to The Doctor House.

Common Brushtail Possum. Trichosuras vulpecula

Wide awake and taking an interest today
Interesting expression. Perhaps “I am trying to have a nap!”

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Near Memorial Bench.
At the Log Jam

Scarlet Jezebel Butterfly. Delias argenthona

Similar to so called Union Jack Butterfly but more appropriately named.

Platypus. Orniothorhynchus anatinus

About to dive under log.
Uninhibited behaviour, simultaneously scratching with 2 feet and rubbing back on mud bank! I suspect a female having a break away from the kids!
Fosicking for food in the shallows and pausing intermittently for another scratch.