No rain. Cloudy with sunny periods. No significant breeze. Track overall dry with a few damp patches. Water level remains high with good flow.
Wildlife Report
Intense activity at home has made if difficult to go on Patrol for about 10 days. With two new recruits in the household, 7 month old miniature chocolate and tan dachshund Tansy, followed by 6 year old rescue chocolate and tan Em, we were busy enough and then Thomas jumped from a chair and again injured his back. Fortunately it was not as bad as last time and after 10 days in a cage he is very much improved but will have to be confined for another week or so. After shopping this morning I suddenly had the feeling that I should check out the Creek and was very glad that I did!
Along Bunya Street I saw a couple of female King Parrots feeding greedily from immature figs.
On arrival at Allumbah Pocket I immediately spotted “Piratical Pete” the Green Ringtail Possum who posed for me in a tree to the left of the entrance.
On the right side a blob in a tree was eventually revealed as a Lumholtz’s Tree Kangaroo although it’s position prevented any good photographs. A glimpse of a Tree Roo is however always a good day!
While crossing the suspension Bridge I photographed two Saw-shelled Turtles socialising below.
At Horseshoe Rocks I sighed a handsome Eastern Water Dragon and this was followed by a juvenile and two more adult males, the last being “Scarface” the large animal with a facial ulcer. I guess that he is embarrassed by his appearance as recently he has been reluctant to stay still long enough for a photo.
A row of Turtles were gracing the fallen tree at Snodgrass’s Pool.
In the vicinity of Platypus bend I captured shots of a Bower’s Shrikethrush and a Yellow-faced Honeyeater.
A large Golden Orb-weaver spider was above the path at the base of Log Jam Peninsula and another Turtle was on the concrete slab opposite the tip.
At Platys Pool a Pacific Black Duck came paddling slowly downstream.
While searching the Overhanging Bushes a couple of excited overseas visitors told me that they had just seen a Platypus so I hurried on to Stringers Stretch where it was busy feeding. It was not inclined to visit my side of the creek but quite happy to entertain a bus full of tourists who soon arrived.
Several more Golden Orb-weavers were seen on the approach to the Highway Bridge.
Final sighting for the day was another Green Ringtail Possum in the fig tree which overhangs the vacant lot next to the Doctor House.
Australian King Parrot. Alisterus scapularis

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Lumholtz’s Tree Kangaroo. Dendrolagus lumholtzi

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Bower’s Shrikethrush. Colluricincla boweri

Yellow-faced Honeyeater. Caligavis chrysops

Golden Orb-weaver Spider. ssp Nephila

Pacific Black Duck. Anas superciliosa