Thursday 28th November 2019. 1330 – 1430

No rain. Sunny but with scattered cloud. Patchy breeze to 15 knots at times. Track dry.

Back on deck after another day off with vertigo. Thomas and I sorry to note the absence of the Golden Orb-weaver from her web at Allumbah Pocket. The web was still in good condition so perhaps she was taking a RDO. Walking across the bridge we immediately saw that the water level had risen 25-30 cms since our last visit. We haven’t had any rain so can only conclude that there is an obstruction to the flow downstream. Let me know please if you know why.
A small but well marked Eastern Water Dragon was on a rock close to Snodgrass’s Pool and as we arrived at Platypus Bend a Freshwater Snake came swimming downstream. Got a surprisingly good image considering the speed at which it was moving. Must have got the panning just right! Only two Saw-shelled Turtles at the Log Jam today and one didn’t stay to be photographed. No Platypus or Possums. At Picnic Peninsula glimpsed an Orange Footed Scrubfowl making off into the undergrowth. Must have been taking a break from digging up my garden! The other Golden Orb-weaver was still in place just downstream of the Highway Bridge. A distant Bush Stone-curlew was out in the open in the paddock adjoining the Car Park and a mob of noisy Rainbow Lorikeets were having a ball on a huge palm flower at Nick’s Camping Area. It was girls turn today at both of the Figbird nests.

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Handsome young Dragon

Freshwater ( Keelback) Snake. Tropidonophis mairii

Taking an afternoon swim.

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Golden Orb-weaver. Nephila Spp.

Rainbow Lorikeet. Trichoglossus moluccanus

Plenty of noise and excitement
A dozen or more were in the next tree awaiting their turn.

Australasian Figbird. Sphecotheres flaviventris

Girls day on watch.