No rain. Overcast with infrequent sunny periods. Light southerly breeze. track dry. Water level falling slowly. New Moon tomorrow.
Wildlife Report
Todays start was disappointing after my last Patrol as I found absolutely nothing at Allumbah Pocket or The Other Side and it was not until I reached the Memorial Bench that I spotted a large Saw-shelled Turtle on one of the nearby rocks.
At Snodgrass’s Pool “Whitespot” the Green Ringtail Possum could easily be seen from the track in the Syzygium tree close to the bank but getting a view of her face was a different matter and the end result was barely adequate.
At The Log Jam there were plenty of Saw-shelled Turtles on view with three on top of the concrete slab, one on the prominent log and a baby on another log being watched by a larger turtle in the water. They were popular with a local family of Grandparents and children.
At Platys Pool the large Eastern Water Dragon was seen again on the high tree branch with perhaps the best view yet.
Another Turtle was on the sloping log near the Overhanging Bushes while in Bush Number 3 the resident Green Ringtail was in a slightly better position and I got a reasonable shot. The children arrived just in time to see it and were joined by a small group of visitors.
Along Stringers Stretch two more tiny Turtles were on top of a floating log.
The Lomandra clump had 5 Golden Orb-weaver Spiders on show and under the Highway Bridge I again took a shot of the distant Large-footed Fishing Bats.
In front of the Platypus Viewing Platform two more juvenile turtles had mounted the sloping pole.
I was unable to find the Bush Stone-curlews today but did take a distant shot of Cattle Egrets among the cows.
On the East Bank one of the Brushtail Possums had returned to the Hollow Tree and “Tatty” the coppery Brushtail was in the Fig Tree.
Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Golden Orb-weaver Spider. Nephila pilipes

Large-footed Fishing Bat. Myotis macropus

Eastern Cattle Egret. Bubulcus coromandus

Common Brushtail Possum. Trichosurus vulpecula