No rain. Bright, sunny and hot but with large storm cells building along Western horizon. Cool Southerly breeze at times. Track dry. Water level very low.
On my own today as even Thomas thought it was too hot to accompany me!
At the entrance to Allumbah Pocket I immediately saw a mass of Possum in the trees above the garbage bin and if you are able to sort out exactly what is what then you are cleverer than I am! By entering the drain I was able to obtain a view of the female Green Ringtail Possum’s face and once orientated I found a position from where the joey’s face could be seen. No white spot so have decided to name this girl “Peta” which makes it easier to know which Possum I am talking about!
As I was about to cross the Suspension Bridge I noticed a bird swoop down onto the Boiler House path. A closer look revealed a Pale-yellow Robin sitting almost on the ground and recorded an image.
Continued over the Bridge and at Horseshoe Rocks saw a small Eastern Water Dragon and another slightly larger. Light was not perfect for either of them.
No sign of White Spot today so carried on to The Log Jam where a pair of Saw-shelled turtles were nicely grouped. A smaller specimen was on another log.
At the base of the Peninsula a pair of male Rufous Whistlers were chasing each other from one side to the other. I presume that they were engaged in a territorial dispute and found a small nest nearby although it may belong to someone quite different.
At Platy’s Pool a couple of Silvereyes were foraging in the foliage.
Final sighting of the day was the small male Green Ringtail, still in Bush No 1 but much more helpful. Perhaps he is at last getting used to my regular intrusion!
Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri
Pale-yellow Robin. Tregellasia capito
Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii
Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum
Rufous Whistler. Pachycephala rufiventris
Silvereye. Zosterops lateralis