1 mm of rain in gauge. Bright and sunny but clouding up later. Few light showers. Cool southerly breeze. Track still damp in parts. Water level falling slowly.
Wildlife Report
After returning this morning from shopping and a visit to the library we discovered an unusual visitor in the kitchen. Jennifer thought she was having a “senior moment” when one of the tomatoes on the counter top suddenly move towards her! Closer inspection revealed a tomato coloured insect, either a beetle or bug, with a bright green underside which must have been looking for company. I haven’t managed to identify it yet so any help would be welcome.
I started my Patrol somewhat later and saw a pair of Bush Stone-curlews taking an afternoon siesta in one of the creek side gardens along Bunya Street.
A Green Ringtail Possum was on the move in the trees at the entrance to Allumbah Pocket. He sat obligingly still for a minute or two but as soon as I took my eyes off her to adjust the camera she vanished into thin air. It is amazing how fast they can move when they have a mind to!
A juvenile Eastern Water Dragon was on one of the rocks below the suspension bridge and three larger specimens were seen on the rocks along the path towards Snodgrass’s Pool.
Near the Memorial Bench another Green Ringtail Possum was sitting on an open branch regarding me with interest.
Two fine Saw-shelled Turtles were on the recently fallen tree across the Pool and another was seen later in an unusual position on the very limited amount of Log available at the Log Jam.
A flock of White-headed Pigeons were in the trees on Log Jam Peninsula while a Black Butcherbird was searching for his afternoon tea.
Nothing then until the vacant lot near the Medical Centre where the Bush Stone-curlews appear to have discarded their large offspring and the female could even be sitting again.
In the large fig tree overhanging the fence an antisocial Green Ringtail Possum was resting before a busy night.
Beetle – unknown

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

White-headed Pigeon. Columba leucomela

Black Butcherbird. Melloria quoyi