Only 2.5 mm of rain to 0700. Few light showers during morning. Overcast with occasional watery sunshine. Light breeze. Track slightly damp.
No canine takers today so set off alone and checked out the Magpie Lark still sitting on nest along Bunya Street. The Brushtail Possum and the Golden Orb-weaver were likewise in the same spots at Allumbah Pocket. Two large Turtles were on rocks close to the Memorial Bench but no Water Dragons this afternoon. Eight Turtles were sun baking at the Log Jam and the poses of some knocked those previously photographed off the top spot. Followed this with a Green Ringtail Possum at the Overhanging Bushes and while backtracking to introduce a couple from Harvey Bay I spotted another Possum in the first of the Bushes although very difficult to see. Had previously shown them a Platypus at the corner before the Narrows and on returning there found a well known local wildlife guide with some of his clients, watching the same animal very busy feeding. The Sunbird’s nest at Quincan Cafe is continuing to increase in size but no activity was observed today.
Magpie Lark. Grallina cyanoleuca

Common Brushtail Possum. Trichosurus vulpecula

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum.

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirax archeri

Platypus. Ornithorchynchus anatinus