Thursday 23rd January 2020. 0845 – 0950

4 mm of rain in gauge. Clear sky early. Overcast increasing. No to light breeze. Track wet. No significant mud or puddles. Creek level fallen since yesterday but have never seen water so red.

Set off alone this morning as dogs exhausted after trip to Cairns yesterday to meet Auntie Susan at the Airport. All now having a lie in on Sue’s bed so did not disturb!
Took some initial images of water level and coloration.
A large male Eastern Water Dragon on a prominent rock opposite the Memorial Bench and was able to photograph him from both sides.
White spot the female Green Ringtail Possum was in tree above and lying on an angled branch so that I was able to obtain a series of images including both Mum and Joey and without tripping over Thomas!
Cicadas and Frogs calling today but unable to sight either. did notice a small Skink, as yet unidentified, on the trunk of a gum tree.
No Beetles or other insects seen today. The recent heavy rain has made the flowers much less attractive.
The Logs are again high enough out of the water to form a Jam and a solitary Saw-shelled Turtle was seen. An Orange -footed Scrubfowl was scuffing through the leaf litter which was sticking to it’s feet making them appear even larger than usual. It flew across the creek.
Near Platy’s Pool and the Overhanging Bushes were several Australian Brush Turkeys pecking through the mud including one with a deformed foot. Apart from that it appeared just as healthy as it’s companions so I left well alone.
Met a friendly couple of Poms, originally from Yorkshire and compared notes re our respective sightings.
Close to the Highway Bridge spotted a Platypus foraging along the far bank. Fortunately it proceeded to the pool under the bridge and provided a virtuoso performance for another photographer and myself.
In the Paddock behind the Car Park birds were far fewer than yesterday and the Domestic Duck (Possibly a Pekin or Aylsebury ) was again present.

View of Stepping Stones

Creek level fallen considerably but water very red.

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Large male Dragon displaying.
View from behind.

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

White Spot, named for extra white tuft on right ear margin with Joey on her back
Aren’t they gorgeous!
Looking very proud of herself

Large-billed Gerygone. Gerygone magnirostris

Hope the diagnosis is correct!

Rainbow Skink. Carla spp.

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Many more logs to chose from today.

Orange-footed Scrubfowl.

About to fly the creek

Australian Brush Turkey. Alectura lathami

Deformed right foot!
Looks healthy enough otherwise

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Close up and personal
I can see right down your nose!

Pekin Duck.

Still keeping company with Pacific Black Ducks