Thursday 23rd April 2020. 1320 – 1430


1 mm of rain in the gauge. Scattered cloud with sunny periods. Variable light breeze. Track dry throughout. Water level steady.


After a morning spent reducing the growth in the garden following the wet season decided after lunch to take a stroll along the Creek.
I don’t think that I have ever seen the nature strips along Bunya Street so uniformly well cared for. Guess that there are plenty of blokes around with nothing better to do!
Nothing seen Allumbah Pocket but on reaching the far side of the bridge noted some activity in a tree to the right. There were a couple of Shrike Thrushes flitting around with a larger bird which on closer inspection proved to be female Victoria’s Rifle Bird and I got some good shots.
No sign of Tree Kangaroos or Green Ringtail Possums but on one of the rock piles between the Memorial Bench and Snodgrass’s Pool an Eastern Water Dragon was enjoying the sun. Another larger specimen was on the far bank at the Log Jam and seems to be more vividly coloured unless it is just the brighter light. I also photographed a juvenile water dragon on the rocks beneath the Highway Bridge.
Along Stringers Stretch I photographed the vivid red fruits of the Scented Daphne.
At the base of Picnic Peninsula a Hornbill Friarbird was enjoying the flowers of a Queensland Umbrella Tree and was able to get some photos.
In the Platypus Viewing Pond an adventurous Saw-shelled Turtle was perched on the end of a long post rising from the water.
A pair of Bush Stone-curlews were enjoying Nick’s Camping area and two more were in a garden just across Bunya Street from home.
The Chocolate Brushtail Possum was in her regular location in the fig tree at the far end of the vacant block next to The Doctor House.

Victoria’s Riflebird. Ptiloris victoriae – female

Appeared to be hunting insects in a medium sized tree
Shot of the day

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Male on rocks near Snodgrass’s Pool
At the Log Jam
Juvenile under Highway Bridge

Fruit of Scented Daphne. Phaleria clerodendron

Cassowaries love the fruit but they are poisonous for us.

Hornbill Friarbird. Philemon yorki

Enjoying flowers of Queensland Umbrella Tree.

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Enjoying the view.

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

In charge at Nick’s Camping Area
One of the pair which keep us awake along Bunya Street!
The other half.

Common Brushtail Possum. Trichosurus vulpecula

The Chocolate Possum in what has become her regular perch. I do wish that she would turn around!