No rain. Light cloud with sunny periods. Intermittent breeze. Track damp, drying
Greeted at Allumbah Pocket by the chocolate Brush Tail Possum who had turned around so that he was spying on us though the fork of the tree. Bad light but nice view.
From the Memorial Bench spotted a suspicious rope entering the water from behind the Boiler Shed on the village side of the Creek. Went back to check later and confirmed an identical unmarked Opera House trap which looked as if it had been in the water for several days. I disposed of in the same way.
No sign of Green Ringtail Possums in any of their usual haunts.
At the Upper Level opposite Snodgrass’s Pool one of my regular Eastern Water Dragons had turned out early to be photographed.
Nothing then until the upstream side the Log Jam where a Platypus was very busy rooting under the overhanging grasses. Some patience was required before he finally emerged in the perfect position for some close up shots.
The rest of the walk was uneventful until the Car Park where the first human visitors of the day were sighted.
A group of Bush Stone-curlews were clustered around a wire wrapped post and busy chatting. The pair of Curlews were in their regular spot next to the Car Park.
Common Brushtail Possum. Trichosurus vulpecula

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius