Thursday 1st August 2019. 1330 – 1420

Cloudy with intermittent sun. Cold, blustery, southerly breeze. Track dry.

No possums today, the 2 platypus seen were more interested in feeding on the opposite bank than entertaining us and although there were plenty of turtles they all looked depressed. Carpet still in residence but makes himself less visible each day. Did see a few birds and added the KPs to give a bit of colour.

Australian King Parrot – Alisterus scapularis

Male King Parrot taking breakfast
With part of his harem

Saw-Shelled Turtle – Elsya latisternum

Breaking the surface at Snodgrass’s Pool
Looking depressed at the Log Jam
Nobody Loves Me!

Brown Honeyeater – Lichmera indistincta

Seen along Bunya Street.

Platypus – Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Refusing to come any closer!