Thursday 19th March 2020. 0910 – 1000


7.5 mm rain. Partial overcast with some sunny periods and intermittent light showers. Wind SE 15 knots. Track moist. Still some muddy areas, particularly where path traverses areas which slope towards the Creek. Best to walk the upper edge next to the fence.


Thomas decided to accompany me this morning.
The Golden Orb-weaver spider was still hanging out in front of the Picnic Shelter at Allumbah Pocket.
While crossing the Suspension Bridge, observed a large Eastern Water Dragon on the bank but with the end of his tail still in the water. He was almost underneath the bridge but managed a couple of photographs.
White Spot the Green Ringtail Possum still absent but her mate was in the trees at Snodgrass’s Pool and appeared to be cleaning his right front foot so he was caught with his mouth open!
Nothing seen then until the Highway Bridge where the wing of a Bat was particularly obvious. The photo was not unfortunately as good as yesterdays.
Nothing to be seen in the Viewing Pool or Paddock but the Bush Stone-curlews were still looking after their favourite spot.
Along Bunya Street the pair of Masked Lapwings were still busy guarding their offspring.

Golden Orb-weaver spider. Ssp Nephila

She appears to have consumed the food parcel!

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

Vertically above the Dragon.
A better angle obtained by shooting through the wire with a better than expected result!

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Peeking from the tree fork.
Caught with his mouth open using some fill-in flash.
Licking his front foot.

Little Broad-nosed Bat. Scotorepens greyii

Not as good as yesterday.

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

Creatures of habit.

Masked Lapwing. Vanellus miles miles

Still guarding a large chick and making a lot of noise!