3 ml of rain this morning. Cloudy with intermittent showers and occasional sunny periods. Light breeze. Track damp.
Against advice of Domestic Goddess and Household Coordinator decided that I would go on Patrol today but compromised by taking lightweight pocket camera rather that usual monster.
This turned out to be sensible as there was not a lot to be seen but the images are of course of lower quality than my regular followers are used to.
Nothing at all at Allumbah Pocket or The Other Side and a solitary Saw-shelled Turtle near the Memorial Bench. Three more turtles were awaiting us at the Log Jam.
Not a sign of Dragons, Ducks, Possums or Platypuses and although a few smaller birds were seen, neither camera nor shoulder were up to the job.
Four Bush Stone Curlews were loafing at one of the nearer rock clumps in the paddock behind the Car Park. The Australasian Figbirds were busy as usual and their favoured tree is in almost full flower.
An Orange-footed Scrubfowl flew across the road in front of us as we approached home but I have not as yet inspected the damage to the garden!
Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum
Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius
Australasian Figbird. Sphecotheres flaviventris