Thursday 18th July. 0920 – 1015.

Temp 0700 8 deg C. Bright and sunny. Minimal breeze. Track dry.

Numerous small birds in song this morning but difficult to photograph as very active while hunting insects in foliage. Only one platypus but an enthusiastic performer. Fair number of families walking but most arriving as dogs and I were leaving pointed a few of them in the right direction.

Platypus – Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Busy feeding and took not notice of me even when less that 1 metre from dogs and I standing on bank.
Even closer here and remained within 5 metres for 10 minutes or so.
Shot of the day!

Lewin’s Honeyeater. Meliphaga lewinii

Lewins Honeyeater on bottlebrush

Spectacled Monarch. Symposiachrus trivergatus

Another species often seen along the walk