No rain overnight but overcast and showery this morning with fresh breeze. Track damp.
About to give up on Allumbah Pocket this morning when a Spectacled Monarch arrived at the Picnic Area and enjoyed his breakfast Cicada in front of us. After watching him, Thomas and I moved on and met one of my regular corespondents at the other side. Compared notes and she had seen one Platypus.
We found two Eastern Water Dragons on the rocks between the Memorial Bench and Snodgrass’s Pool. The Logs at the Log Jam were bare and there were no Platypus to be seen. At the overhanging bushes we saw a nice Green Ringtail Possum which appeared to be single. On the second image however I note the curl of a tail which looks too small for a Possum of this size and think that this could be Mum with the pouch baby hanging out it’s tail.
No Curlews in sight but a Pair of Pacific Black-ducks were enjoying a swim on the Platypus Viewing Pond. A Figbird was enjoying the view from the tip of the Bamboo while another was confined to nest duties.
Spectacled Monarch. Symposiachrus trivirgatus
Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii
Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archerii
Pacific Black Duck. Anas superciliosa
Australasian Figbird. Sphecotheres flaviventris