Sunday 6th December 2020. 0805-0910


No rain. Sky clear apart from cumulus cloud above the Dividing Range on the Eastern horizon. No significant breeze. Track dry. Water level very low.


A false start this morning as had to return to base from from Allumbah Pocket on finding that I had omitted to insert memory card into camera! This did not please Thomas who had decided that he felt strong enough to accompany me today.
Arriving back at Allumbah Pocket I spotted a Macleay’s Honeyeater in a Bottle Brush in front of the Picnic Shelter and scored a photograph.
On to the Horseshoe rocks where an Eastern Water Dragon on the horizon scuttled away before I could get in a suitable position. Going up to the Upper Level I found that he had crossed to the rocks in the Paddock where I was able to get a much better photo.
The smaller male Dragon was on the skyline of the rocks opposite Snodgrass’s Pool and I was able to photograph him from both sides as well as capturing “Scarface” the larger Dragon who was draped among the dead branches on the other side of the path.
No Kangaroos today unfortunately.
On to the Log Jam where no turtles were to be seen but while waiting briefly to see if a Platypus might appear, an Orange-footed Scrubfowl slid noisily down the cliff on the opposite bank. He struggled into the air and flew to a branch overhanging the creek where I was able to record and image.
Numerous Honeyeaters were feeding all along the creek but moving to quickly for the camera until I spotted another Macleay’s near the tip of Picnic Peninsula.
We met there a couple who were very interested in Dachshunds as their daughter has just bought one. Thomas was delighted of course to show off the finer points of the breed!
In the bushes along Dowling’s Corridor a Spectacled Monarch was seen and photographed enjoying breakfast.
Checked out the Vacant Lott Fig Tree and spotted a Green Ringtail Possum in a much more favourable location which yielded some much better photos.
The Bunya Street Bush Stone-curlew was back in his regular post on the Creek side of the road.

Macleay’s Honeyeater. Xanthotis macleayana

At Allumbah Pocket
At Picnic Peninsula. Upside down is today’s fashion!

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

On rocks in the Paddock
On rocks opposite Snodgrass’s Pool. Photo from track
The same Dragon taken from the Upper Level
“Scarface” among the branches nearby.

Orange-footed Scrubfowl. Megapodius reinwardt

Resting in tree after embarrassing tumble!

Spectacled Monarch. Symposiachrus trivirgatus.

Enjoying breakfast

Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Nice to be offered view of the other end!

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

I love the way they bend their legs when sitting!