2.5 mm of rain. Sunny with scattered cloud. Light breeze. Track damp but still muddy in parts, particularly across base of Log Jam Peninsula. Water level remains high.
Wildlife Report
Thomas and I saw nothing on arrival at Allumbah pocket until we ducked back up the track leading to the Volunteers Storage Shed and found “Piratical Pete” the Green Ringtail Possum sitting in a very exposed position in the afternoon sun. He was presenting an excellent view including a close up of the family jewels!
We were joined by a couple with a small boy who have recently moved from Adelaide to Cairns. They had already seen numerous Turtles and a Platypus and were amazed by the wildlife. Thomas was also admired which made his day.
Moving on we photographed a gang of turtles posing on the fallen log at Snodgrass’s Pool.
On the other side of the track ‘Scar Face” the Eastern Water Dragon was seen on his regular rock but took to the bushes as soon as we approached.
Nearing Platypus bend, a small group were watching a Platypus feeding in front of them. I took a solitary photo as it dived but at that point Thomas slipped out of his escape proof harness and by the time he was back in it the Platypus had vanished!
More Saw-shelled Turtles were seen at Platys Pool and a large specimen opposite the tip of Picnic Peninsula.
Looking back on No 3 of the Overhanging Bushes I spotted a juvenile Green Ringtail Possum shinning up the higher branches too fast for me to get a photo. Moving back to the other side of the tree I soon found mum who was herself well concealed and for a few seconds her joey was seen above her but it vanished and was not seen again.
A couple from Cairns and another pair visiting from Adelaide also enjoyed the view.
Nothing was seen along the remainder of the track apart from a large bus full of tourists who did not communicate.
Half way across Highway Bridge the Chocolate Brushtail Possum was again in residence and was exposing just enough of himself to photograph.
At Nick’s Car Park I was pleased to see the family of Bush Stone-curlews in a typically aesthetic location.
Finally a small group of White-headed Pigeons were in the large Camphor Laurel tree at the front corner of our garden.
Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirops archeri

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Common Brushtail Possum. Trichosurus vulpecula

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

White-headed Pigeon. Columba leucomela