Sunday 29th September 2019. 1330 – 1435

No Rain. Hot sunny day. Cloud free. Light southerly breeze. Track dry.

Delightful surprise to see a female Green Ringtail Possum with “just out of the pouch” joey roosting right beside the Alumbah Pocket side of Lloyd’s Suspension Bridge. The curl it it’s tail is magic. This was followed by a glimpse of a Water Dragon, a swag of Turtles at the Log Jam and elsewhere and 5 Platypus including 2 episodes of mating behaviour. A small flight of Cranes flew over the walk and the Bush Stone-curlews were moving house across the paddock to Nick’s Camping area. Few visitors on the walk today so Thomas missed out on an ear scratch but I got a few good images.

Green ringtail Possum. Pseudochirax archeri

Interesting comparison between joey’s tail and Mum’s hind foot!
Full face of Mum and Joey
Hiding behind the branch.

Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Downstream of Log Jam
Almost same spot as yesterday downstream of Log Jam
Picnic Peninsula
In the Narrows

Saw-shelled Turtle. Elseya latisternum

At the Log Jam
Platy’s Pool
Upstream side Picnic Peninsula.

Cranes / Brolgas. Unable to identify.

Small group of Cranes. Leader appears to be lightening ship!

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

At Nick’s camping area after crossing paddock.
Dad leading the family to a safe spot.