Sunday 29th March 2020. 1050 – 1205


9.5 mm rain in gauge. Overcast with almost constant drizzle and periods of rain. Light SE wind. Tack wet. Very muddy in parts, not helped by the wide wheel tracks of trail bikes who’s owners have obviously been enjoying the conditions!


Thomas and I set off with umbrella already open as it remained for 85% of our Patrol.
One of the Bunya Street Bush Stone-curlews was on sentry duty at his regular spot although the rest of his family were not visible.
Crossed to The Other Side with not further sightings until the Horseshoe Rocks where an Eastern Water Dragon was seen in very poor light. The photograph is therefor of poor quality.
No Green Ringtail Possums could be seen and it was too much to expect that the Tree Kangaroos might be seen two days running.
A couple of White-headed Pigeons were in one of the usual Possum trees and were photographed.
At the Log Jam another Water Dragon was on the opposite bank but the only sign of a Turtle was a nose above the water as it’s owner rested on a submerged log.
No Platypus around today.
Saw and avoided a family of three at the Log Jam Peninsula and a larger family group at Dowling’s Corridor for whom I stepped very well off the track. They did admire Thomas but fortunately made to effort to approach.
Once they were out of the way I managed to photograph a Spectacled Monarch and a Lewin’s Honeyeater while the rain had temporarily eased.
At the Car Park the heavens really opened but I still managed a shot of the Bush Stone-curlews at the Beer Garden before taking shelter at The Doctor House until the rain eased.

Bush Stone-curlew. Burhinus grallarius

Dad in charge.
In charge of the Beer Garden

Eastern Water Dragon. Physignathus lesueurii

At the Horseshoe Rocks
On the far bank at the Log Jam

Saw-shelled Turtle. Physignathus lesueurii

The only turtle braving the weather today

White-headed Pigeon. Columba leukomela

On the Possum Perch

Spectacled Monarch. Symposiachrus trivirgatus

Having a good look at us

Lewin’s Honeyeater. Meliphaga lewinii

Sitting on the fence