No rain overnight. Overcast with intermittent light showers since midday. Occasional brief sunny periods. Wind light. Track damp.
In view of weather set off with the intrepid Thomas and new Lumix weather proof camera to see how it works. Results disappointing but guess I need more practice and to modify my expectations. A Golden Orb-weaver Spider is growing rapidly near the track just before Snodgrass’s Pool . With great difficulty Saw a Green Ringtail Possum across the track but so deep within foliage that impossible to photograph. A platypus was spotted downstream from the Log Jam but the telephoto capabilities of the new camera a a lot less than my Sony 100-400mm lens!. Mother and joey GRT in their favourite spot but new camera found this difficult also.
Golden Orb-weaver Spider. Nephila ssp
Green Ringtail Possum. Pseudochirax archeri
Platypus. Ornithorhynchus anatinus